Applying a CSS class to multiple instances of a control in ASP.NET

Incorporating the jQuery UI framework into my ASP.NET project is a current challenge I am facing. My approach involves applying CSS to the controls in order to achieve this objective.

Specifically, I have multiple GridView controls that need styling. Is there a convenient method to apply a CSS class to all of them simultaneously, rather than relying on the "onRender" event for each instance as mentioned in online resources?

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of your GridView, you can create a .skin file and specify the CssClass for each one. Check out the ASP.NET Themes and Skins link in the MSDN Library for detailed instructions.

// In the file inside App_Themes/SomeTheme folder:
<asp:GridView runat="server" CssClass="YourCustomCssClass" />

// Add this to your Web.config file:
<pages styleSheetTheme="SomeTheme" />

Answer №2

To consistently apply a css class to all instances of DataLists in your ASP.NET application, consider exploring the skin files within an ASP.NET theme.

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