What is the method for inserting a clickable link into a data-image line of code using CSS3?

Recently, I delved into the world of CSS and am still getting the hang of it,

Below is a snippet of code that I have been working on,

<div id='ninja-slider'>
            <div data-image="images/md/1.jpg" </div>                   
            <div data-image="images/md/2.jpg"> </div>
            <div data-image="images/md/3.jpg"></div>
            <div data-image="images/md/4.jpg"></div>

I am seeking guidance on how to add hyperlinks to each of these images. I attempted without success.

If anyone can assist, I even explored JavaScript through online searches, specifically something related to onclick events.

Thank you in advance

Answer №1

enclose the div within an <a> element

    <a href="#"><div data-image="images/lg/2.jpg"></div></a> 

Answer №2

Implement the <a></a> tag for linking.

Here is an example of how to do it:

<a href="link_page"><img src="your_image.jpg" width="" height=""></a>

The href attribute will specify the location where you want the user to be redirected.

This method is more effective and commonly used compared to the methods you presented.

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