Is it possible to display a React Component code within a <code> tag?

I am in the process of creating a tester page that allows users to interact with a library component and document how it is being used.

Here is the library component:

render = () => {
    let component = (

    return (
            <h2>Testing the Slider Component:</h2>

            <code>HOW DO I DISPLAY THE COMPONENT CODE HERE?</code>

The goal is to showcase how the component functions and include the code used for testing at the end.

Is there a method to display the component code on screen without having to duplicate it within the <code> tag?

Are there any existing npm libraries or tools that can assist with this task?

Answer №1

By utilizing the escape function, you can ensure that the code displays correctly.

If you’re looking to achieve this, consider using a library such as escape-html npm

For a more specialized approach, check out libraries like react code view npm

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