Set the text above the image in HTML and center align it

Hey everyone, I'm new to the world of HTML and CSS. Currently, I am working on designing some text above and centering an image. Additionally, I want the text to automatically wrap if the image is too long. Thank you for your help! Below is the code I am using for my HTML image and text:

<div class="imgcontainer">
    <a href="#">
        <img src="image.jpg" id="imageid" alt="" />
        <span class="desc" id="text">
            Centered Rollover Text

Answer №1

Use the following code to center both image and text:

.imgcontainer { text-align:center; }

Answer №2

Implement the span element above the image element and apply the following CSS to the span:

span{ display:block; width:100%; text-align:center}

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