Changing the color of text in one div by hovering over a child div will not affect the

When hovering over the child div with class .box-container, the color of another child div with class .carousel-buttons does not change.

.carousel-slide {
  position: relative;
  width: inherit;
  .carousel-buttons {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 2;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    width: 1240px;
    top: 43%;
  .box-container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    position: relative;
  .box-container:hover+.carousel-buttons {
    color: red;
  } //attempted to change text color, but did not work
  .box-container:hover .carousel-buttons {
    color: red;
  } //tried to change text color, without success
  .box-container:hover~.carousel-buttons {
    color: red;
  } //color change on hover not functioning for this selector
  .box-container:hover {
    background-color: red;
  } //successfully changed background color on hover
<div class="carousel-slide">
  <div class="carousel-buttons">
    <button class="left">prev</button>
    <button class="right">next</button>

  <div class="box-container container">

Answer №1

.box-container needs to precede .carousel-buttons

.box-container:hover + .carousel-buttons button {
  color: blue;
<div class="carousel-slide">
 <div class="box-container container">
  <div class="carousel-buttons">
    <button class="left">previous</button>
    <button class="right">next</button>

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