Place two divs side by side with the second div filling up the remaining space on the line

Hello there, can anyone lend a hand with this problem? This is the code I have been working with:

<div style="width=100%">
    <div style="float:left; background-color:Red; height:100px">Red</div>
    <div style="background-color:Green;">Green</div>
    <div style="background-color:Yellow;">Yellow</div>

As you can see, it displays exactly as I intended - a Red div on the left, a Green div taking up the rest of the width beside it, and a Yellow div below the Green one.

However, when I try to add float left property to the parent div like this:

         <div style="width:100%; float:left">
              <div style="float:left; background-color:Red;height:100px">Red</div>
              <div style="background-color:Green">Green</div>
              <div style="background-color:Yellow">Yellow</div>

It no longer works. Is there a way to fix this issue while still keeping the parent div floating left?

Answer №1

When floating the parent div, all child elements must also be floated in order to keep them within the parent container. Any elements inside without a float will simply fall out of place.

It's important to note that once elements are floated, using width: 100% may not work as expected since the element won't know what to align its width with. Consider giving it a fixed width or using JQuery to get the width from the document.

Check out this example on JSFiddle for more information

Answer №2

When a div is floated left, it breaks the layout because by default a div will take up 100% of its parent container's width. By setting float:left, the width is reduced to just the content's width, causing layout issues. To fix this, make sure to set a specific width on the parent container.

Answer №3

You originally used width=100% instead of width:100%. Here is the corrected example:

         <div style="float:left;width:100%;">
              <div style="float:left; background-color:Red; height:100px;">Red</div>
              <div style="background-color:Green;">Green</div>
              <div style="background-color:Yellow;">Yellow</div>

The initial code worked because block elements have an implicit width of 100%. However, by using the float property, your div acted more like an inline element, causing it to revert back to the content's width. This is why your Red div behaved as expected.

Your use of width=100% was never being recognized. By switching it to width:100%, you are correctly setting the width for the element.

See the fixed example in action here:

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