Incorrect implementation of Bootstrap CSS in Jade template

Currently, I am leveraging Express to construct a website. However, there seems to be an issue with my jade template not displaying the bootstrap grid system accurately. Despite double-checking that my app path is correctly set through app.use(express.static(path_join... the problem persists. Here's my layout.jade:

html( lang="en" )
    title Edward's Photo Album
    link(rel='stylesheet' href='/bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css')
  block content

Below is my cats.jade file:

extends layout

block content
  -for(var x=1; x<=imagenum-1; x++)
        h2 hello world

Instead of being displayed horizontally, "hello world" appears vertically.

Answer №1

Every iteration, a brand new ".row" division seems to be generated by you. Rows are meant to be horizontal structures. In each row, you're generating a fresh column housing "hello world" content.

Instead of creating the row inside the loop every time, why not move it outside so that there's only one row element.

  -for(var x=1; x<=imagenum-1; x++)
      h2 hello world

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