Ensuring a full height div using CSS

I have encountered an issue and created a fiddle to help illustrate it: http://jsfiddle.net/XJpGT/

The challenge I am facing is ensuring that the height of the green box always remains at 100%, while also making sure that the green and orange boxes do not exceed the size of the blue box. Here is a screenshot for reference:

Given that the content within each box is dynamic, their heights can vary. I attempted to address this issue with the code snippet provided below in the fiddle, but it doesn't quite achieve the desired outcome.

.right1:after {
clear: both;
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
visibility: hidden;         

Answer №1

Check out the updated fiddle I've added for you: http://jsfiddle.net/avrahamcool/XJpGT/1/

My solution may not be perfect as you'll need to manually divide the height between the green and orange divs (along with the margin between them). In the demonstration, I allocated 80% to the green, 10% to the orange, and 5% to the margin. It's the closest I can get you to your desired outcome.

UPDATE: Be sure to view the latest version of the fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/avrahamcool/XJpGT/4/

You no longer have to specify any height. The technique used is called a faux column, which has information widely available on the internet.

In the .right2:before, .right2:after section, you can set the margin around right2 in pixels.

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