An adaptive image-based menu design that adjusts based on screen size

Although I can get it to function properly, the trouble arises when I attempt to resize it for responsiveness, resulting in a strange scaling issue. Essentially, I want the images to remain at their natural size and align next to each other seamlessly without any gaps. Additionally, the text should be centered.

I've compiled everything into a JSFiddle with a relevant GIF. The GIF is crucial for understanding my dilemma.

I appreciate any assistance as I'm unable to solve this on my own.

Your help in advance is greatly appreciated.

<div class="aktivnostiList">

<div class="spacer">

    <div class="coverRevija">
        <img class="covers" src="file:\\C:\Users\andre\Desktop\karolin\web\hr\projekti\revija\revijacover.jpg">
        <div id="linkRevija"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Modna revija</a></h3></div>

    <div class="spacerSmall"></div>

    <div class="coverCajanka">
        <img class="covers" src="file:\\C:\Users\andre\Desktop\karolin\web\hr\projekti\cajanka\cajankacover.jpg">
        <div id="linkCajanka"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Čajanka</a></h3></div>

    <div class="spacerSmall"></div>

    <div class="coverIzlozba">
        <img class="covers" src="file:\\C:\Users\andre\Desktop\karolin\web\hr\projekti\izlozba\izlozbacover.jpg">
        <div id="linkIzlozba"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Izložba</a></h3></div>

width: 75%;
height: auto;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 100px;
text-align: center;

width: 100%;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
left: 0;

text-align: center;

line-height: 227px;

line-height: 227px;

line-height: 227px;

Answer №1

It appears that your images are scaling proportionately when adjusting the width, causing the height to also decrease in order to maintain the image's aspect ratio. If you wish for the images to retain their height while resizing, consider switching from <img> tags in the HTML to using background-images in the CSS. Here is an example:


<div class="aktivnostiList">

    <div class="spacer">

        <div class="covers-wrapper coverRevija">
            <div id="linkRevija"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Fashion Show</a></h3></div>

        <div class="spacerSmall"></div>

        <div class="covers-wrapper coverCajanka">
            <div id="linkCajanka"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Tea Party</a></h3></div>

        <div class="spacerSmall"></div>

        <div class="covers-wrapper coverIzlozba">
            <div id="linkIzlozba"><h3 id="emphasis"><a href="#">Exhibition</a></h3></div>



    width: 75%;
    height: auto;
    margin: auto;
    margin-top: 100px;
    text-align: center;

.covers-wrapper {
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center center;

    text-align: center;

  background-image: url(''); //change this to your image source
    line-height: 227px;

  background-image: url(''); //change this to your image source
    line-height: 227px;

  background-image: url(''); //change this to your image source
    line-height: 227px;

Answer №2

Give this a shot to enhance your CSS within the .covers class

`  .covers{
         min-width: 100%;
         position: absolute;
         z-index: -1;
         left: 0;

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