Is there a way to display a foundation.css drop-down menu using jQuery?

After attempting to create a navigation bar using foundation.css, I encountered an issue where the sub-menu does not appear when hovering over it with the mouse.

The main question at hand is how to display the sub-menu of test on this specific webpage.

Despite my efforts to modify properties such as visibility, display, z-index, and left, I have been unable to resolve the issue.

Answer №1

It appears that the foundation.css is not your typical CSS library.

You can achieve the desired effect by including the following JavaScript script. Check out this link to witness the magic

The main concept involves modifying the clip property of the .dropdown element to toggle its visibility.

function drop_show(a) {
    var selector = '#'+a + " ul.dropdown";
    $(selector).css('clip', 'auto');

function drop_hide(a) {
    var selector = '#'+a + " ul.dropdown";
    $(selector).css('clip', 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)')
var dropdownLinks = $('.has-dropdown');
dropdownLinks.each(function() {
    $(this).attr("onMouseOver", "drop_show('" + $(this).attr('id') + "');");
    $(this).attr("onMouseout", "drop_hide('" + $(this).attr('id') + "');");

Answer №2

Does this match your query?

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