Changing the color of buttons within the anchor and menu-separator classes in WordPress

Hi everyone, I'm new to WordPress and need help changing a green button to blue. I have found the button in an anchor tag with the class "menu-separator." Is there a way for me to write custom CSS to change its color?

Here is what I currently have:

.menu-separator .button{background-color: blue !important;}

This code won't work because it's missing the "a" element.

Answer №1

To start, add:


Make sure to include:

a button

You could also try using this:

<buttton style="background-color: green;">blah blah</button>

If the above doesn't work, consider testing with button instead of .button just to rule out any other issues causing problems.

It would be helpful to see more of your code structure in order to provide better assistance, especially regarding the nesting of the button element.

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