Steps for breaking down a given string into divisions that correspond to an A4 sheet

Within my content, there are various styles applied. For example:

This is a <b>bolded</b> word.

I am seeking a solution to divide this long string into smaller sections that would fit on an A4 page accurately. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the entire text over multiple A4 pages, with the scaled-down versions displayed on the device screen.

Past attempts at similar challenges have not yielded results, as I am unsure of where to even begin the process.

In a previous version of the application, the text was split into divs and utilized elementFromPoint() to detect overflow onto subsequent pages.

The formatting of the pages is suitable, and now I require a method to identify optimal points for separating the text seamlessly.

Answer №1

Here is my solution to the problem you posed.

To achieve this, I have utilized jQuery, so remember to include:

<script src=""></script>

within your <head> tag.

The code necessitates 3 parameters:

  1. String - Your lengthy string
  2. Height - in px of the A4 page (set to 72dpi).
  3. elemTag - Parent div where all page divs will be located. In this instance, it's set to body.

Below is the code snippet:

// elemTag could be an ID, Class, or Tag
// Utilize it to specify where to append divs
function splitStringIntoDivs(string, height, elemTag) {
let page = 0;
  var l, i = 0,
    arr = longString.split(' '),
    elem = $('<div data-page="' + page + '"/>').appendTo(elemTag);
  for (l = arr.length; l > i; i++) {
    elem.append(arr[i] + ' ');
    if (elem.height() > a4Height) {
      elem = $('<div data-page="' + page + '"/>').appendTo(elemTag);
      elem.append(arr[i] + ' ');

// 72dpi
var a4Width = 595;
var a4Height = 842;

var longString = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, volutpat purus a vitae id felis..."; // The lengthy string goes here

splitStringIntoDivs(longString, a4Height, "body");
* {
  padding: 0;

div {
  border: 1px dashed green;
  margin-bottom: 50px;
<script src=""></script>

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