Stop div from exceeding the page boundaries

Here's my current dilemma:

I have a simple css3 tooltip-menu that is hidden by default and appears on mouseover. It has a fixed width and is positioned absolutely to the right (with an arrow in the middle pointing to the hovered element). The issue I'm facing is that when viewing the menu on smaller windows, a horizontal scrollbar appears after hovering over the element. How can I prevent this? Is there a way to make the menu box appear on the left side in such situations?

The code for my existing menu is straightforward:

<ul><li>Hover me 
<ul><li>Hovered element</li>
<li>Hovered element 2</li></ul>

And the CSS looks something like this:

ul > li > ul {display:none}
ul > li:hover > ul {display:block}

In addition to other styles. Is there a jQuery script or CSS trick available to address this issue?

Answer №1

Exciting news! I've finally discovered a solution using PURE CSS. By utilizing the word-wrap property, you can easily achieve your desired outcome. Below is the revised CSS code:

ul > li > ul {
ul > li:hover > ul {
    word-wrap: break-word;    

See it in action here:

Answer №2

One important step is to utilize Media Queries in your CSS. By determining the screen size where the behavior occurs, you can then adjust the settings accordingly.

Here is an example:

Your regular CSS definition :

.reframe {
 //Your Settings

@media screen and (min-width: 760px) {
    .reframe { //your new settings }

Answer №3

In a similar scenario that I experienced, the messages were generated through JavaScript. To address this issue, I utilized the element's offset at the time of inception to determine its distance from the right side of the screen. Subsequently, I assigned it a unique class with distinct styling.

If JavaScript is not an option, one potential solution could involve utilizing media queries for global modifications. Creating separate classes like .left and .right could allow for explicit customization based on positioning.

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