Challenging z-index problem arising between mobile menu and dynamic animations

I'm facing a unique challenge on my website related to the z-index. The content's z-index is lower but somehow appears above the menus (z-index: 4;) on mobile or resized browsers. To understand this issue better, let's delve into the CSS behind it:

  • To enable CSS animation, I had to include a parent div element for the images as CSS generated content was necessary.
  • The div for animation conflicts with the Image Viewer functionality, causing JavaScript to detect the click/tap on the of the div instead of the image itself.
  • Adding position: relative; z-index: 1; solved the Image Viewer problem, allowing interaction with the images, but created an issue in another area.
  • On mobile devices, these images incorrectly seem closer to the user than the menus, despite the menu having a higher z-index: 4; and using position: fixed;.

Here are some attempts I've made to address this problem:

  • I have experimented with different position values while maintaining the current layout, but haven't found a solution yet.
  • Using z-index: 4 !important; did not affect the menu as expected.
  • Setting z-index: 0; or lower values for the images caused the click/tap event to target the parent div instead of the image, which is essential for the animation.
  • I've verified that no other elements or CSS-generated components have conflicting property/value pairs like position and z-index.

This issue is present in Waterfox, Chrome, and Safari. It's puzzling because relative should take precedence over fixed, and the higher z-index values are being disregarded by all three browsers simultaneously. I am actively working on resolving this, but a second opinion would be greatly appreciated at this point.

Please note that this is a temporary URL and should not be indexed by search engines:

Any insights or suggestions?

Answer №1

If you plan on offering your services, it's important to delve deeper into understanding natural semantic structure and DOM Flow. Your current element structure seems quite convoluted. For instance, placing the main before the header elements can lead to visual placement complications that could be avoided with a more natural DOM flow. This would not only simplify your CSS/html code but also enhance performance when the site is being rendered, reducing the need for explicit z-index definitions and minimizing cross-browser compatibility issues.

As for your immediate concern, a simple solution would be to remove the z-index: 0 from the CSS selector body > header, and you should be good to go. I hope this advice proves helpful. Cheers!

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