Selenium Webdriver faced challenges in identifying dynamically created scripts using CSS selectors

I am in need of assistance with the following:

Requirement: On the homepage, there is a navigation menu bar that changes appearance when scrolling down. This change is reflected in the body class name switching from "home" to "home scriptable persistent-on". I need to validate this in my selenium Webdriver Test scripts.

Problem Statement: The issue arises when trying to use CSS selectors to identify the element by its class name. Due to the dynamic nature of the class name change and the fact that the page source only shows "body=home" even after scrolling, the identification process fails. Here is a snippet of the code where I have attempted different CSS selectors without success. Any guidance on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated, as I am stuck and need to resolve this quickly.

<body class="home scriptable persistent-on">
            /* UI NOTE: - the page is designed by default to function with scripts turned off (for accessibility reasons) adding the class of "scriptable" dynamically allows us to target CSS to users with JavaScript enabled - this is the ONLY piece of JavaScript that should be executed at the top of the page */
            document.body.className += " scriptable";
 I'm using the following code
 private static final By BODY_FOR_STICKY_NAV = By.cssSelector("body.home.scriptable.persistent-on");
 I've tried using different ways in CSS selectors..nothing works out

enter code here

Answer №1

Make sure your findElement() function waits for the page to finish scrolling before executing. This can be done by waiting for an expected condition to occur.

// Use this code to scroll the page to the desired position and trigger the class change

// Then wait for the element to obtain the class
Wait<WebDriver> wait= new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS).pollingEvery(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.css(".home.scriptable.persistent-on")));

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