What is the best way to incorporate a <li> view cap within a div element using JavaScript?

Currently, I am attempting to implement a dynamic <li> view limit within the content of a div. My goal is to display only 3 <li> elements each time the div content is scrolled.

Although not confirmed, I believe this example may be helpful:

Answer №1

Outdated Response

Is this what you're looking for? http://jsfiddle.net/bennwbpu/1/

    var liheight = $(".demo2 li").outerHeight();

We first determine the outer height of a single <li> and then we set the outer height of .demo2 to three times that value.

If you want the scroll position to snap to the top of the closest <li> whenever there is a scroll event, you can check out:

Updated Answer

Fiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/bennwbpu/7/

This solution may seem lengthy, but it was crafted through a combination of research and experimentation.

Streamlined approach

    var lih = $(".demo2 li").outerHeight(),
        lst = 0,
        var $this = $(this),
            st = $this.scrollTop();
        function _scroll(n) {
            $this.css("overflow","hidden").stop().animate({scrollTop:lst+(n)*lih*3}, 500, "swing", function(){setTimeout(
        if (!f) {
            if (st > lst)
       lst = st;

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