Can you explain the significance of (.browser-default).valid?

While exploring some code online, I came across this snippet:

. I understand the purpose of the :not selector in this code, but I have a couple of questions:

  1. What is the role of (.browser-default) in this code, and where can I find more information about it?

  2. I am familiar with :valid, but what does .valid do and where can I find details about its functionality?

Answer №1

The classes browser-default and .valid are both custom class names created by the user. They do not belong to the CSS Selectors Module, so there is limited information available about them.

On the other hand, the :not and :valid are CSS pseudo classes and are officially defined within the CSS selectors module.

Therefore, the selector


selects a text input with the class valid but without the class browser-default.

Answer №2

.browser-default and .valid are custom class names created by the programmer in their code and are not reserved keywords in CSS.


This CSS selector targets an input element that meets the following criteria:

The input must have:

1) An attribute type with the value text.

2) The class valid.

And it must not have:

1) The class browser-default.

For example:

 input[type=text]:not(.browser-default).valid {
    background-color: blue;
<input type="text" class="valid">
<input type="text" class="browser-default valid" name="">

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