Guide to aligning a fraction in the center of a percentage on a Materal Design progress bar

Greetings! My objective is to create a material progress bar with the fraction displayed at the top of the percentage.

Currently, I have managed to show the fraction at the beginning of the percentage. Below is the code snippet:

       <div class="card-body">
            <span id="advance-details" #advancedetails class="progress">{{ CurrentAmount }}
              <span >/ {{ OriginalAmount }}</span></span>
            <mat-progress-bar id="advance-meter" #advancemeter class="meter" color="primary" mode="determinate" [hidden]="!repaymentPercentage"  value="{{ repaymentPercentage }}"></mat-progress-bar>
            <div id="advance-progress" #advanceprogress class="meter-percentage"&‌e;> {{ repaymentPercentage }}% </div>

and here is the corresponding typescript code:

setProgressBarElementsPosition() {

document.getElementById('advance-details')!.style.left = this.repaymentPercentage + "%";
document.getElementById('advance-progress')!.style.left = this.repaymentPercentage + "%";

let widthAdvanceDetails = document.getElementById('advance-details')?.getBoundingClientRect().width;
let positionAdvanceDetails = document.getElementById('advance-details')?.getBoundingClientRect().x;

let widthMeter = document.getElementById('advance-meter')?.getBoundingClientRect().width;
let positionMeter = document.getElementById('advance-meter')?.getBoundingClientRect().x;
let positionMeterEnd = positionMeter! + widthMeter!;

let widthPercentage = document.getElementById('advance-progress')?.getBoundingClientRect().width;
let positionPercentage = document.getElementById('advance-progress')?.getBoundingClientRect().x;

if (positionAdvanceDetails! + widthAdvanceDetails! > positionMeterEnd) {
  document.getElementById('advance-details')!.style.left = positionMeterEnd - positionMeter! - widthAdvanceDetails! + "px";
} else {
  document.getElementById('advance-details')!.style.left = this.repaymentPercentage + '%';
if (positionPercentage! + widthPercentage! > positionMeterEnd) {
  document.getElementById('advance-progress')!.style.left = positionMeterEnd - positionMeter! - widthPercentage! + "px";
} else {
  document.getElementById('advance-progress')!.style.left = this.repaymentPercentage + '%';

The current output resembles the image below:

I am aiming for the fraction value 11.00/11.00 to be positioned in the middle of the progress percentage. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

Based on the comparison of your image and the sample image, it seems like you are aiming for the fraction to be positioned above the percentage number, centered, and moving along with the change in percentage.

To achieve this, I suggest utilizing a calculation like self.offsetWidth / 2 to determine the center of the element and incorporating that into your implementation as needed.

    <div style="width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column">
        style="width: fit-content; margin-right: 10px"
        [ngStyle]="{'margin-left': 'calc(' + value +'% + 10px - '+ self.offsetWidth / 2 +'px)'}">
        {{value}} / 100


Here's a demo showcasing the concept:

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