ClickEvent (or element selector) is experiencing functionality issues

I'm currently working on creating a small calculator using HTML, CSS, and JS.

However, I'm facing an issue with selecting buttons of the calculator from the HTML script and adding EventListeners to them. Here is a snippet of my HTML code:

`<table class="table1">
                <td id="n-1">1</td>
                <td id="n-2">2</td>
                <td id="n-3">3</td>
                <td id="n-4">4</td>
                <td id="n-5">5</td>
                <td id="n-6">6</td>
                <td id="n-7">7</td>
                <td id="n-8">8</td>
                <td id="n-9">9</td>

Below is the event function I have implemented:

document.querySelector(.table1 td).addEventListener('click',function(){
        console.log('It works');
        var z = this.value;

Oddly enough, I am only able to see the console output when clicking on the first cell in the table (1). For some reason, it doesn't work when I click on other cells like 3 or 7.

If you have any insights or solutions to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Answer №1

querySelector() will only retrieve a single element, such as the first td within the .table1 class. To apply the event listener to all td elements, you should utilize querySelectorAll():

document.querySelectorAll('.table1 td').addEventListener('click',function(){
    .... // Insert the rest of your code here

For more information, visit:

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