Stylish mobile navigation styles with CSS

Hey there, I appreciate any help you can provide.

I'm having trouble figuring out the right CSS code to modify the colors of my Mobile Menu only...

I'd like to change the placeholder text as well as the text and background of the drop-down menu (but only on mobile, without affecting the desktop version).

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot for your assistance.

Answer №1

Within your CSS stylesheet, make sure to modify or replace this specific class that is causing the navigation links to disappear in a burger menu:

#header .stm-header .stm-header__cell .stm-icontext__text, #header .stm-header .stm-header__cell a:not(.stm_btn) {
    color: #26211d!important;

To solve this issue, you can use:

@media screen and (max-width:1023px) {
    #header .stm-header .stm-header__cell a:not(.stm_btn) {
            color: #fff !important;

If needed, feel free to adjust other properties as well such as background, border, padding, margins, etc.

UPDATE: Modify the background of the dropdown menu accordingly

.stm-header__hb .stm-navigation__default>ul>li ul.sub-menu {
            background: lightblue;

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