The arrangement vanishes when using identical html/css coding

When using the same HTML/CSS coding, the layout disappears and appears misaligned on one page but works perfectly on another. The issue seems to be that the first section of the main area is getting a width of 938px instead of 5px. I've tried adding width and max-width in the CSS but with no success. Please refer to the screenshot for more details.

For the correct layout, visit:

For the incorrect layout, visit:

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, simply insert an empty <td></td> in the second row of the table below

Great, glad to hear it is working now. Here is my recommended solution:

<tr><td></td>   <!-- Remember to add empty td elements -->

<!-- ZiffTalk tag begins--><map name="199911">

Alternatively, you can also include colspan="2" in the column

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