Angular 7 - Customize Mat-select-value color depending on a specific condition

One issue I am facing is changing the color of a selected value in a mat select based on a condition. This change should be visually apparent to the user. Although accessing mat-select-value from the styles is possible, implementing a condition using ng-class is proving to be challenging:

      <mat-select name="list"  
      [style.color]="myCondtition ? 'none': 'green'"
        <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="currentOption">

While properties like [style.font-weight], [style.background-color], and [style.font-size] can easily be manipulated, I have noticed that there is no direct way to adjust font-color. Furthermore, it seems that [style.color] only works with inputs.

Answer №1

Utilize the regular class attribute based on a condition

<mat-select class="{{myCondition ? 'one' : 'two'}}" > ... </mat-select>

Then apply styles to each class accordingly

::ng-deep {
    .two .mat-select-value-text {
      color : red;
     .one .mat-select-value-text {
      color : green;

Check out this example on StackBlitz for more details!

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