The table headers in the second table do not match the queryAllSelector

I've encountered an issue with my JavaScript snippet that displays a responsive table. When I use the snippet for a second table with the same class, the formatting gets messed up on mobile devices (try resizing your screen to see). It seems like the headers are not displaying correctly.

Does anyone know what could be causing this problem and how I can go about fixing it?

Here's the HTML code in question:

<table class="test">

<table class="test">

Edit: Despite attempting the solution provided in another answer, the issue still persists. The second table now shows table headers, but they are incorrect as it just duplicates the headers from the first table.

Answer №1

As mentioned previously, it is important to handle each table individually in order to avoid confusion. Using .querySelectorAll('.test th') will grab all the th elements without considering which table they belong to.

To better illustrate this concept, here is a straightforward example of how you can approach this situation:

// Loop through each .test element
[]'.test'), function (table) {
  // Retrieve header contents
  var headers = []'th'), function (header) {
    return header.textContent.replace(/\r?\n|\r/, '');

  // Iterate through each row in tbody
  []'tbody tr'), function (row) {
    // Handle each cell within the row
    [], function (cell, headerIndex) {
      // Set the appropriate attribute
      cell.setAttribute('data-th', headers[headerIndex]);

Check out the demo for a visual representation:

Answer №2

Initially, it's important to note that your HTML code is invalid as you have omitted closing tags for elements like

. It is recommended to adhere to proper HTML standards.

Furthermore, the usage of querySelectorAll is missing when targeting table bodies, resulting in only setting attributes for the first one located.

The revised snippet below addresses these issues and should accomplish your intended functionality.

var headertext = [],
headers = document.querySelectorAll(".test th"),
tablerows = document.querySelectorAll(".test th"),
tablebody = document.querySelectorAll(".test tbody");

for(var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
  var current = headers[i];

for (var tb = 0; tb < tablebody.length; tb++) {
  for (var i = 0, row; row = tablebody[tb].rows[i]; i++) {
    for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
      col.setAttribute("data-th", headertext[j]);

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