Removing an Element in a List Using Jquery

In my JQuery, there is a list named additionalInfo which gets populated using the function below:

$('#append').on('click', function () {
//validate the area first before proceeding to add information
    var text = $('#new-email').val();
    var li = '<li>' + text +  'input type="hidden" name="additionalInfo" value="'+text+'"/> </li>';

This function not only adds the information to the list for later use, but also creates an <li> element displaying the information. I have implemented a button on each <li> that, when clicked, removes the corresponding list item. However, I am struggling with removing the info text from the additionalInfo list completely. Below is what I have for this method:

$('#removeEmail').on('click', 'li>.remove-btn', function (event){



Can you suggest how I can extract the specific segment of info text from the <li> and then remove it from additionalInfo?

Answer №1

You seem to have encountered a few issues. Firstly, there is an error in your markup when creating new items as the opening bracket of the input tag was missing. I've made changes to the code for deletion so that it now detects the click event on any item with the class remove-btn within the li element. This modification should allow you to delete an item by clicking the remove link inside the li.


  $('#append').on('click', function () {

    var text = $('#new-email').val();
    var li = '<li>' + text +  '<input type="hidden" name="additionalInfo" 
               <a href="#" class="remove-btn" >remove</a></li>';


  $(document).on('click', 'li>.remove-btn', function (event){
     var _this =$(this);


If you'd like to see the updated code in action, check out this jsfiddle.

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