information not visible on the webpage

Recently, I made an alarming discovery on my website. I have implemented two different types of menus - one for the front page (designated as .navbar-inverse) and another for all other pages (.navbar-default).

The front page menu is static while the other is fixed. It took me days to pinpoint the source of the problem until I finally stumbled upon it. While navigating through the site, everything seemed normal. However, when I returned to the front page, all content vanished, leaving only a blank white screen.

My investigation led me to believe that the issue revolves around the .navbar-static-top menu. Despite examining the code thoroughly, nothing peculiar stands out to explain the glitch.

You can visit my website at:

To make the problem more visible for troubleshooting purposes, I have temporarily switched all pages' menus to .navbar-static-top. Unfortunately, no content displays beneath the menu. Nonetheless, the pages possess the same length they would if there were content present.

I am utilizing Bootstrap in conjunction with WordPress.


Exploring different pages on the site might be necessary to spot the issue!

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