Achieve scrollability for right column (div) using Tailwind CSS

I am having trouble getting the content in the right column to scroll vertically. Can someone please help me identify what I'm doing wrong here?

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <main class="h-full">
      <div class="container flex items-start min-w-full fixed">
         <div class="w-1/5 min-h-screen bg-blue-darkest text-teal-lightest">
         <div class="w-4/5 flex content-center pt-6 min-h-screen w-full lg:static lg:max-h-full lg:overflow-visible bg-yellow" >
            <div class="content">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ultricies elit sed varius semper. Cras elit nunc, auctor eget magna nec, posuere scelerisque sapien. Suspendisse volutpat, turpis vitae sagittis lacinia, felis nisi fermentum massa, ut fringilla tortor lacus eu augue. Morbi nunc odio, ullamcorper vel porta nec, maximus ac orci. Nulla quis accumsan magna. Suspendisse sollicitudin molestie lectus vitae imperdiet. Fusce fermentum convallis volutpat. Praesent et malesuada justo, non varius quam. Fusce faucibus lacus elit, in sodales ex blandit tincidunt. Nunc mollis cursus purus sed convallis.

Duis consectetur in urna volutpat maximus. Sed viverra placerat enim ut venenatis. Praesent cursus diam facilisis turpis tempor accumsan. In vel sollicitudin orci, id volutpat turpis. Donec mattis, lacus nec eleifend venenatis, turpis leo rutrum ante, sit amet laoreet nulla mauris in velit. Curabitur hendrerit leo leo. Phasellus sit amet sem non mi pharetra pharetra vitae in sem. Nullam egestas, metus nec imperdiet ornare, est neque luctus diam, eget elementum mi ante non leo. Aenean maximus nisi vitae aliquam ullamcorper. Donec et lectus quam. Maecenas sit amet placerat mi. Maecenas cursus mauris et purus fermentum, ac sagittis quam varius. Praesent non magna dictum, pulvinar magna at, consectetur risus. Mauris pretium, massa non posuere condimentum, diam est mattis nibh, non gravida odio augue vitae eros.

... (trimmed for brevity) ...

Cras sagittis nibh et posuere placerat. Vestibulum hendrerit at nulla vitae luctus. Vestibulum maximus ex at justo lacinia pellentesque. Ut fringilla mauris sem. Aenean ut dictum est. Curabitur eu dolor nibh. Quisque volutpat metus at elit tempor, eu ornare lectus bibendum. Integer tellus neque, ullamcorper id feugiat eu, vestibulum nec mi.

Answer №1

To achieve a scrollable section for the content inside the parent container with the class .contact, you need to add the class overflow-y-auto to the parent div and set a fixed height using the max-height property as shown below:

    max-height: 150px;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<main class="h-full">
      <div class="container flex items-start min-w-full fixed">
         <div class="w-1/5 min-h-screen bg-blue-darkest text-teal-lightest">
         <div class="contact-parent overflow-y-auto w-4/5 flex content-center pt-6 min-h-screen w-full lg:static lg:max-h-full lg:overflow-visible bg-yellow" >
            <div class="content">
                Insert a long paragraph of lorem ipsum so there's enough content to trigger overflow


Integer tellus neque, ullamcorper id feugiat eu, vestibulum nec mi.

Answer №2

By making use of the .h-screen class, you can easily achieve full viewport height with 100vh. Additionally, the .overflow-auto class provides the functionality for scrolling within a container.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

    <main class="h-full">
      <div class="container flex items-start min-w-full fixed">
         <div class="w-1/5 h-screen bg-blue-darkest text-teal-lightest">
         <div class="w-4/5 flex content-center pt-6 bg-yellow h-screen overflow-auto">
            <div class="content">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...

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