Is anyone else experiencing issues with their imagemap due to Twitter Bootstrap?

I'm excited to ask my first question here as a beginner. I am truly grateful for all the assistance and guidance I have received from this site. I hope that the questions I ask can also benefit others in some way :)

Although imagemaps may not be used often nowadays, I still have one implemented. However, Twitter Bootstrap (version 3.0.0) is causing issues with my coordinates, misplacing the links. I managed to make it work using the code below, but then it doesn't resize properly to fit the screen. Any suggestions?

<!Driving me nuts - without this the imagemap links are in the wrong places - with this it wont resize>
#img_ID {
    display: inline;



Here is a snippet of the actual imagemap code

<div style="width:100%">
<img id="img_ID" src="NewMatGuide.png" USEMAP="#map" border="0" class="" width:100% alt="">
 <Map id="map_ID" name="map">
   <AREA shape="RECT" COORDS="80,151,258,252" HREF="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=A">
   <AREA shape="RECT" COORDS="80,328,258,432" HREF="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=B">
   <AREA shape="RECT" COORDS="80,521,258,620" HREF="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=C">

Answer №1

Instead of using an image map, consider creating 3 divs that serve as links with the following HTML and accompanying CSS.

<div id="box_a">
    <a class="box_link" href="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=A"></a>
<div id="box_b">
    <a class="box_link" href="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=B"></a>
<div id="box_c">
    <a class="box_link" href="PlacementResults.php?ChosenArea=C"></a>

Utilize percentages to specify the coordinates. Assuming that your X1 and X2 coordinates are consistent for the links in your image map, adjust the % values accordingly to ensure proper coverage of your image.

#box_a, #box_b, #box_c {
    margin-left: 10%;
    margin-top: 5%;
    height: 15%;
    width: 25%;
.box_link {
    display: block;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

Refer to this resource for more information on creating div links. Additionally, consider setting NewMatGuide.png as a background-image and defining the size of #img_ID.

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