Problem with full-page navigation sliding in and fading in and out

Upon the user's click on

<a href="#slide-nav" class="slide-nav-trigger">
, a full-page navigation smoothly slides into view. This animation is triggered by CSS and uses jQuery for event delegation.

The Dilemma

Instead of abruptly turning on and off when toggling the navigation-is-on class to the body, I aim to have slide-nav fade in and out. By animating the opacity of slide-nav, I successfully achieved a fading effect upon one click.

// assign click event to slide-nav-trigger
    event.preventDefault(); // cancel the default action

    // toggle navigation-is-open class to body upon click

    var slideNav = $('.slide-nav');
        opacity:1 }, 2000, function(){});

In this code snippet, I'm specifically targeting slide-nav and animating its opacity to create the desired fading effect. Despite trying to utilize the fadeIn method, I found that this approach remains the most effective in achieving my intended outcome.

To explore further, visit this CodePen link.

Answer №1

For the functionality of running another function on "click" if the body has a certain class, you will need to use additional JavaScript. However, you can achieve similar effects using only CSS by leveraging the existing class trigger:

Check out this CodePen example

    position: fixed;
    z-index: 1;
    opacity: 0;
    display: block;
        transition: opacity 2s ease-in-out;
    .navigation-is-open & {
        opacity: 1;
        // main navigation content here
        overflow-y: auto;
        padding:40px 5% 40px calc(5% + 80px); /* padds links over to the left */
        @include transition(translateZ(0)); /* Force Hardware Acceleration for Webkit */
        @include transform(translateX(-50%)); /* Transform links off screen on X axis by -50% */
        @include transition(transform $animation-dur);
        @include transition-timing-function(cubic-bezier(.86,.01,.77,.78)); /* Smooth animation effect */
    .navigation-is-open & { /* When navigation is open, apply styles */
        visibility: visible;
        .slide-navigation-wrapper{ /* Slide out navigation wrapper when open */
            @include transform(translateX(0)); /* Transition translate on the X-axis to 0 */

Answer №2

Implemented a solution to fade in and out the opacity of the slide-nav div using jQuery.

Upon clicking the slide-nav-trigger, the navigation-is-open class is toggled on the body element. This triggers the fade in animation on the slide-nav as the first evaluation in the if statement returns true.

// Check if body has class 'navigation-is-open'
if ($('body').hasClass('navigation-is-open')){
        // Animate slide-nav opacity from 0 to 1
            opacity: 1 }, 2000, function(){});

If the user clicks on slide-nav-trigger again, the navigation-is-open class is removed from the body. This causes the evaluation in the if statement to be false, triggering the fade out animation on the slide-nav.

if ($('body').hasClass('navigation-is-open')){
    // Animate slide-nav opacity from 0 to 1
        opacity: 1 }, 2000, function(){});
    } else {
        // Animate slide-nav opacity from 1 to 0
            opacity: 0 }, 1000, function(){});

Updated Pen

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