Can you explain the purpose of the behavior: url(); property in CSS?

While browsing the web, I came across a CSS property that caught my eye. It's called behavior, and it looks like this:

  behavior: url(;

I've never used or seen this property before. It seems to be related to Internet Explorer, but I'm not sure how it is used. Can anyone explain what the behavior property does?

I tried checking the w3 Documentation, but it didn't provide a clear explanation.

Answer №1

Exploring Microsoft's CSS Extensions

.htc files are commonly used in .css files with an IE specific property called behavior. By utilizing this along with the .htc file, the browser can execute JavaScript code contained within the file.

Understanding Its Functionality

Sets or retrieves the location of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behaviorDHTML Behaviors.

The Role of .htc Extension

The script resides in an HTC (HTML Component) file. HTC files have the extension .htc and consist of HTML files containing a script along with HTC-specific elements defining components.

- Historical Perspective on Behavior

Technical Syntax

behavior: url(sLocation) | url(#objID) | url(#default#behaviorName)

Possible Property Values


  • Script implementation of a DHTML behavior, where sLocation is an absolute or relative URL.


  • Binary implementation of a DHTML behavior, where objID is the ID attribute specified in an object tag.


  • The application's default behavior identified by its behavior name.

Helpful Resources

  • Microsoft
  • Site Point
  • CSS3.COM
  • Dottoro
  • CSS Standards Support

Microsoft Announcement: No Longer Supported in IE 10!

Answer №2

By utilizing CSS, you can associate a script with a specific element to incorporate DHTML (Dynamic HTML) elements.

Versions 5 and above of Internet Explorer support the behavior property. Additionally, Internet Explorer 8 supports the Vendor-specific format of -ms-behavior

For further information, please visit this link.

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