What causes a slow disappearance of both the form element and its child elements when the visibility attribute is set to hidden on the

Have you ever noticed that the child elements of an element form hide slowly when using visibility:hidden, but hide quickly when using display:none? This slow hiding can negatively impact user experience.

I tried to find information on this issue, but everything I found only discussed how it affects the DOM tree, not why the element form and its child elements are rendered in a particular way. To see this problem in action, visit this page: here. The first example on the page demonstrates the issue - you can press F12 to see for yourself. Here is an image and a GIF to help visualize the scenario:

Image Link

GIF Link

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is likely due to a defined transition property on the form element.

When this property is set, it instructs the browser to animate the changes in styles. It's important to note that visibility can be animated, but not display.

This explains why you only notice the issue with visibility.

To address this problem, try adding the following: transition: none!important. If the issue stops, then the cause has been confirmed.

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