Using the combined power of CSS and jQuery to create dynamic visual effects based

Having some trouble figuring out why this code isn't functioning as expected...

I've got a bunch of DIVs that have the class .rightColumnButton. Some of them currently have a height set to 30px:


My goal is to adjust the margin-top to 10px if they already have a height of 30px:


if($( '.rightColumnButton' ).css("height") == "30"){
    $(this).animate({marginTop: "10px"}, 500);

} );

Unfortunately, it's not working for me.

Answer №1

When using the css('height') method, it includes the unit 'px'. Therefore, you are essentially comparing '30px' == '30'. To avoid this, utilize the height() method which provides a numerical value for comparison.

Furthermore, ensure to specify the object you want to animate within the if clause. You can achieve this by incorporating the each() method on the element to establish a closure:

    $('.rightColumnButton').each(function() {
        if($(this).height() == 30) {
            $(this).animate({marginTop: "10px"}, 500);


To clarify further regarding animating elements with a height of 30px, consider the following code improvements compared to your initial approach:

if($( '.rightColumnButton' ).css("height") == "30"){

While this does select all '.rightColumnButtons', it only retrieves the height of the first element. Essentially, your original code would only animate all divs if the first div had a height of 30px.

Implementing the each() method is beneficial in looping through each element individually, allowing independent comparison of heights and subsequent animation if required.

Answer №2

When using the css() method, it will provide a string value with units attached, such as '30px' in your situation.

To verify this, you should check for:

$('.rightColumnButton').css("height") == "30px" 

Alternatively, you can utilize the height() function like so:

$('.rightColumnButton').height() == 30

Prior to animating, ensure that you define this accordingly.

var col = $('.rightColumnButton');
if (col.height() == 30) {
    col.animate({marginTop: "10px"});

Answer №3

this is not explicitly defined

    $( '.rightColumnButton' ).each(function(){
        if($(this).css("height") == "30"){
            $(this).animate({marginTop: "10px"}, 500);

Answer №4

What do you think of this?

    if($( '.navButton' ).css("width") == "50px"){
      $(this).animate({marginLeft: "20px"}, 800);

If it's not effective, try setting up an alert for the value of :


...and then sharing the outcome here.

Answer №5

It seems like the issue lies in the fact that when $('rightColumnButton').css... is executed, it returns a collection of values which your if statement then tries to compare to 30.

You might want to consider using the following code instead:

$("rightColumnButton").each(function (i) {
    if (this.height == 30) 
        $(this).animate({marginTop: "10px"}, 500);

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