Is there a way to partially conceal the H2 text using CSS?

Is there a way to partially hide H2 text using CSS? I have the following code:


<div class="twocol-box1 superflex-content-6-12">
    <h2 data-content="My - Text&amp;nbsp;<span style=&quot;float:right;&quot;>May 16, 2022</span>">My - Text&nbsp;<span style="float:right;">May 16, 2022</span></h2>


.twocol-box1 h2, .twocol-box2 h2:before {
    content: "My - ";
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    background-color: white;
    color: white;

.twocol-box1 h2, .twocol-box2 h2 {
    position: relative;
    z-index: -1;

Updated with Fiddle:

In the example above, I am trying to hide "My -"

Expected Output: Text May 16, 2022

Your advice is appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Using a clever CSS trick to hide text with background color:

#hideme {
  position: relative;

#hideme:before {
  position: absolute;
  width: 50px;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  z-index: 2;
  background: white;
  content: ""
<div class="mytext">
<h2 id="hideme">My - Text<span style="float:right;">May 16, 2022</span></h2>

Answer №2

Currently, there isn't a straightforward method to achieve this in CSS. However, you can use a workaround by utilizing the :before pseudo-element along with content to hide the desired text. It is recommended to utilize JavaScript to remove the text programmatically for better control.

If the text remains constant, this approach will suffice. Essentially, the solution locates the text and conceals it.

h2 {
  position: relative;

h2:before {
  content: "My - ";
  position: absolute;
  background-color: white;
  color: white;
<div class="mytext">
  <h2>My - Text<span style="float:right;">May 16, 2022</span></h2>

Answer №3

One option is to include another span element with a specific class that has a display property set to none.

span.hidden {display: none;}
<div class="mycontent">
<h2 class="partialhide">
<span class="hidden">.My - </span>Content<span style="float:right;">April 27, 2023</span></h2>

Answer №4

If you want to hide part of an h2 element, you can use a span to wrap that specific section and then apply a CSS class to it for styling using CSS properties. Below is an example code:

.hide {
  display: none;
<div class="mytext">
  <h2 class="hidepartial"><span class="hide">My - </span> Text<span style="float:right;">May 16, 2022</span></h2>

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