Designing a Dynamic Floating Element that Shifts with Scroll Movement

Hey there everyone!, I am currently working on a project in Wordpress and I was wondering if anyone has experience creating a floating widget that moves along with the page as you scroll. Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Would it involve using Javascript/CSS?

Appreciate any tips or advice!

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, simply adjust the CSS to make the element's position fixed like this:

.myFloatingElement {position:fixed; left:0px; top:50%}

Answer №3

To make the widget fixed, you must apply the following style: position:fixed;. View a demonstration at DemoSite.

Answer №4

Both slashnick and maxedison have provided effective solutions.

For those seeking a dynamic scrolling box that can be adjusted to not always stay fixed on the screen or take into consideration headers, footers, or other divs within their site, I recommend exploring DropTheBit's sticky float jQuery plugin:

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