Discovering how to adjust the "border-spacing" in a React Material-UI Table to ensure each row is nicely separated

I am looking to create Material-UI Collapsi Table Rows with separate styling. Check out the link for more information:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiTable: {
      root: {
        borderCollapse: "separate",
        borderSpacing: "0 10px",
        marginTop: "-10px"
    MuiTableRow: {
      root: {
        borderRadius: 40,
        border: "2px solid",
        backgroundColor: "green",

I want it to look similar to this image with spacing in between:

The recommended method is by setting the Theme, but I welcome any other suggestions.

Answer №1

Avoid using borderRadius on MuiTableRow and instead utilize first-child, last-child, and MuiTableCell.

MuiTableCell: {
          root: {
            backgroundColor: "#fff",
            paddingTop: 0,
            paddingBottom: 0,
            paddingLeft: "0.2rem",
            paddingRight: "0.2rem",
            borderBottom: 0,
            overflow: "hidden",
            textOverflow: "ellipsis",
            "&:first-child": {
              borderTopLeftRadius: "0.7rem",
              borderBottomLeftRadius: "0.7rem"
            "&:last-child": {
              borderTopRightRadius: "0.7rem",
              borderBottomRightRadius: "0.7rem"

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