Bug with IOS double tap on Element UI VueJS select input element

Encountering a strange problem on iOS safari or chrome. When attempting to select an option from a dropdown input, the options show up correctly on the first tap, but when trying to actually select an option, it requires two taps to work properly. This is the current setup:

"element-ui": "^2.13.1", "vue": "^2.6.11"

Here is the code for the select input:

                        <el-select class="select-danger"
                                   placeholder="Language / Idioma"
                            <el-option v-for="option in selects.languages"

watch: {
      // watch for locale changes
      locale: function (value) {

This issue appears to be specific to iOS, as testing on Android Chrome browser shows no such problems.

Any thoughts on what could be causing this behavior?

Answer №1

After searching for a solution, I came across a workaround in the Element UI Github issues section. You can find it right here:

Element UI Github Issue Link

It appears that the hover state is not well managed on iOS, which is a known issue. The suggested solution involves adding the following SCSS to App.vue:

.el-scrollbar {
    > .el-scrollbar__bar {
        opacity: 1;

However, this approach did not work for me, so I ended up using plain CSS instead:

/*Fixes double tap on iOS*/
.el-scrollbar__bar {
    opacity: 1!important;

This simple fix resolved the double tap issue with Element UI. Hopefully, this information proves helpful to others facing the same problem.

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