What is the best way to create rounded thumbnails with the paperclip gem?

I noticed that the latest version of Basecamp is implementing this feature, you can check it out in this link. I am curious about how to replicate this in my Rails 3 application.

Answer №1

Check out this online forum discussion about creating circle effects using masks in Imagemagick.

However, keep in mind that the "new basecamp" with its "circular avatars" achieves this effect with simple CSS styling, rather than image manipulation. Look into properties like border-radius, -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius, and -khtml-border-radius.

If you prefer CSS for achieving this effect, consider taking a look at this code snippet on GitHub or reading through this informative blog post.

Answer №2

Although I am new to Rails, after researching it seems that Paperclip utilizes Imagemagick in the background. To implement this feature, you will need to incorporate masking with Imagemagick.

Additionally, you can refer to a tutorial like the one below and make adjustments as needed for creating rounded corners: http://example.com/rounded-corners-tutorial

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