Using a JSON file as a database for a project featuring HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

Our task was to create a project that exclusively utilized JSON files for data storage. The data structure we were working with resembles the following:

    "aircraftName": "Boeing 747",
    "departDate": 1640173020000,
    "departure": "Metro Manila, Philippines",
    "destination": "Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia",
    "estDate": 1640777820000,
    "id": "Flight_0001",
    "occupancy": 4,
    "onboardPassengers": [
        { "passenger": "Person 1", "seat": "A1" },
        { "passenger": "Person 2", "seat": "A2" },
        { "passenger": "Person 3", "seat": "B4" },
        { "passenger": "Person 4", "seat": "C5" }
    "passengers": 15,
    "status": "available",
    "depDate": "2021-12-22"
    "aircraftName": "Boeing 868",
    "departDate": 1640875620000,
    "departure": "Singapore, Singapore",
    "destination": "Tokyo, Japan",
    "estDate": 1640875620000,
    "id": "Flight_0002",
    "occupancy": 5,
    "onboardPassengers": [
        { "passenger": "Person 1", "seat": "A1" },
        { "passenger": "Person 2", "seat": "A2" },
        { "passenger": "Person 3", "seat": "B4" },
        { "passenger": "Person 4", "seat": "B5" },
        { "passenger": "Person 5", "seat": "A3" }
    "passengers": 10,
    "status": "available",
    "depDate": "2021-12-30"
    "aircraftName": "Airbus A350",
    "departDate": 1640875860000,
    "departure": "Jakarta, Indonesia",
    "destination": "Bangkok, Thailand",
    "estDate": 1640875860000,
    "id": "Flight_0003",
    "occupancy": 0,
    "onboardPassengers": [],
    "passengers": 15,
    "status": "available",
    "depDate": "2021-12-30"
    "aircraftName": "Airbus A220",
    "departDate": 1640876040000,
    "departure": "Tokyo, Japan",
    "destination": "Beijing, China",
    "estDate": 1641624840000,
    "id": "Flight_0004",
    "occupancy": 0,
    "onboardPassengers": [],
    "passengers": 15,
    "status": "available",
    "depDate": "2021-12-30"
    "aircraftName": "Airbus A220",
    "departDate": 1640876040000,
    "departure": "Tokyo, Japan",
    "destination": "Beijing, China",
    "estDate": 1641624840000,
    "id": "Flight_0005",
    "occupancy": 0,
    "onboardPassengers": [],
    "passengers": 10,
    "status": "available",
    "depDate": "2021-12-30"

We encountered an issue as we weren't sure how to manipulate and access a JSON file using JavaScript for our browser-based application rather than a Node.js environment. Any suggestions on how to address this challenge would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To retrieve information from your JSON file, use the following code snippet

let data;
function fetchData() {
    if (data) return Promise.resolve(data);
    return fetch("./data.json")
        .then(response => {
            data = response.json();
            return data;
        }).catch(err => console.log(err));

fetchData().then(result => {

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