Images are suddenly encircled by a mysterious border

On my wordpress website, I encountered a strange issue with some photos. Specifically, an image of a cross in a circle is getting a weird border around it, but only on certain resolutions (such as width:1506). Despite inspecting the element, I couldn't find any CSS code that would cause this border to appear. Strangely, this border seems to show up around several images at specific resolutions, and I can't pinpoint why this is happening since there's no CSS indicating the border should exist.

I also checked the Computed section of the dev tools for this image, which stated that the border was set to 0. Even after manually setting it to 0 again, the border persists.

If anyone has any insight on how to resolve this issue, it would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered the solution to my issue. It turns out that the .webp image I was using had a lot of transparency, causing it to display strangely when overlaying a purple background. To solve this problem, I decided to modify the image directly by adding a purple tint and saving it as a png file, which successfully resolved the visual glitch.

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