Create a scrollable div within a template

After discovering a template that I want to use for my personal project, I noticed a missing element...

There's a div where content can be added. That's fine, but what if I add more content than fits in the space provided? The whole website becomes scrollable, but I only want the div to be scrollable...

I've tried various approaches like fixing the body (position: fixed;) but it messes up the template layout.

Even preventing the div from being scrollable didn't work (similar to How to make a DIV scrollable instead of BODY?).

Here is the entire template:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      ... (omitted for brevity)

The specific div I want to be scrollable is "", and here is a screenshot showing how it currently looks: ScreenshotItLooksLikeNow

Any help or suggestions on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Ensure your DIV has specific height and width dimensions in place. Subsequently, implement the overflow property set to scroll for scrolling functionality.

overflow: scroll;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;

Answer №2

Make sure you include this in your stylesheet

#ContentBox {
  overflow: auto;

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