How can I optimize webkit-mask-box-image with a high-resolution Retina image?

Hey there, wondering if it's possible to achieve high-quality Retina-level CSS masking with the -webkit-mask-box-image property. Specifically, I'm trying to round the corners of an element without using border-radius due to performance issues:

.element {
    -webkit-mask-box-image: url('mask.png') 12 12 12 12 stretch stretch;

The mask image is double the necessary size (using 6 for non-retina screens instead of 12).

While the mask is positioned correctly, the corner rounding lacks the smoothness expected on Retina displays.

Answer №1

After considering the issue at hand, I have identified three potential solutions:

  • Embrace and utilize border-radius despite any minimal lag experienced on modern machines. This approach ensures compatibility with most browsers, such as Safari and Chrome, while avoiding the need for users to download additional images for rounded corners.
  • Leverage Webkit's image smoothing capabilities by providing a large mask image that can be scaled efficiently upon loading. While this may result in slightly longer load times and scaling processes, it is a one-time occurrence until the cache is cleared.
  • Opt for using SVG instead of PNG for its scalability and quality retention at any resolution. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) offer a versatile solution without compromising visual appeal. To learn more about creating SVG files, refer to

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