Responsive Text in HTML Email Depending on Device

I currently have an email template that is functioning perfectly, but I am looking to take it to the next level. The top navigation of the email consists of 4 columns of text. To ensure that it appears well on both desktop and mobile devices, the font size needs to be set at 13. This adjustment prevents odd line breaks on mobile screens and maintains the navigation in a single line.

My question is, is it possible to have the font size for the navigation set at 16 on desktop, and then automatically scale down to 13 on mobile devices?

Refer to the screenshot below. I believe this can be accomplished using media queries and CSS, but I would appreciate any guidance or assistance from you all!

I aim to have larger font sizes for text displayed on desktops, while ensuring that the same text scales down appropriately for mobile users.

Answer №1

Yes, it is possible to create a responsive email design that works well on both mobile and desktop devices.

I personally recommend adopting a mobile-first approach when designing emails, especially for Gmail IMAP users who may not have support for <style> blocks. For desktop users, you can use media queries with Outlook-friendly alternatives to ensure proper rendering.

<style>@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
  .changeText {font-size:16px !important;}
<p class="changeText" style="font-size:13px;mso-ansi-font-size:16px;">
  <a href="...">Link 1</a> &nbsp; 
  <a href="...">Link 2</a> &nbsp; 
  <a href="...">Link 3</a> &nbsp; 
  <a href="...">Link 4</a>

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