The div has extra white space at the bottom due to the Hide/Show content feature

Having trouble stretching a scrolling div to 100% of its parent container's height? The Hide/Show content feature is causing whitespace at the bottom of the div.

Check out the jsfiddle here:

LATEST UPDATE: The issue arises when resizing the window and clicking the hide button, leaving white space at the bottom of the div.

The culprit seems to be the toggle button. Although display block and display hidden hide the white div content, it still affects the div by creating a white space at the bottom.

If you scroll down, my goal is to expand the green scrolling div to fill the entire height of the parent container, regardless of stretching, or hiding/showing content.

Here's the relevant html code:

    <div class="center">

     <!--Feed Content-->
     <div id="feed-content">
     <div id="networkfeed" class="feedpagetab activefeed">

     <input type="checkbox" id="filterbutton" role="button">
     <label for="filterbutton" onclick=""><span class="filterswitch">Show Me</span><span class="filterswitch">Hide Me</span> 
                <br />
                <br />
      <div class="borderline"></div>

       <section class="filtercontent"></section><!--Filtercontent ends here-->

        <div id="contentSection">
        <div id="content">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...ex omnis vocibus scriptorem.</div><!--End Content-->             
         </div><!--End Content Section-->

      </div> <!--End Network feed-->
    </div><!--End Feed Content-->
</div><!--End Center-->

Below are the pertinent css styles:

.center {

#contentSection {
/*----- Show me Button-----*/
 ... (more CSS styles) ...

The javascript below is used for resizing the scrolling div:

 ... (javascript code for resizing) ...

As demonstrated in the fiddle, when you vertically adjust the div and toggle the content visibility, a whitespace appears at the bottom of the scrolling area. My objective is to eliminate all whitespace within the scrolling div region so that it occupies 100% of the available height without any gaps.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It appears that there is an extra div in your code. Consider removing #contentSection and consolidating its contents within the #content div.

If you want to make the entire text disappear with a button click, perhaps modify the style of the content text. For example, change opacity:1 to opacity:0 when the button is clicked.

Answer №2

In regards to the feed and center, I have made some minor edits to your code and included a toggle feature. Take a look at my Fiddle.

My focus was primarily on your content section. Here is the updated HTML for it:

  <button onclick="toggleContent()">Toggle Visibility</button>

  <div id="contentWrapper">
    <div id="content">
      text goes here. longer version in JSFiddle

The corresponding JavaScript function is as follows:

function toggleContent() {
  // Get the DOM reference
  var e = document.getElementById("content");
  // Toggle == "1" ? = "0" : = "1"; 

This function essentially switches the opacity of the content when the button is clicked. Here is the CSS styling for your element (you can use border-top instead of a div for a top border, and to center, create a container with width=100% and apply margin:auto to your centered class):

 border-top:1px solid black;

#content {

I hope this helps clarify things!

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