Beginner attempting to comprehend Safari CSS font-size test outcomes

Currently, I am delving into the realm of CSS. To test my skills, I am making edits to an HTML file and previewing the outcome in Safari V11.0. My objective is to present an online version of a traditional printed report, complete with fixed columns and a monospaced font.

There are certain test results that have left me puzzled, and I would greatly value any advice you can offer for further learning.

body {font: 100% Courier, monospace}

The above code achieves my desired result; however,...

body {font: Courier, monospace}

...fails to do so. Instead, Safari displays my content in a proportional font.

Query 1: What necessitates the font-size specification?


body {font: 80% Courier, monospace}

Although this code works, the character size remains unchanged from 100%.

Query 2: Why does the font-size adjustment seem ineffective?


Answer №1

If you want to save time and simplify your CSS code, make sure to use the W3C Font Shorthand property. By using this shorthand declaration, you can set all font properties at once, including font style, variant, weight, size/line height, and family.

Ensure that you include both font-size and font-family values in your shorthand declaration as they are required. If any of the other values are missing, default values will be inserted, if available.

For more information on how to properly utilize the W3C Font Shorthand property, check out this helpful link: W3C Font Shorthand

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