Tips for adjusting the up and down controls and spins of a date input after modifying its height

After adjusting the height of my inputs (date type) to 40px, I noticed that the up and down controls are no longer aligned with the text inside the field.

I am looking for a solution to either adjust the height of the spins or remove them if necessary in order to fix this issue.

        <td>From <input type="date" name="from" value="'.$currdate.'" autofocus/> </td>
        <td>To  <input type="date" name="to" value="'.$currdate.'" />  </td>

I am unsure whether this problem can be addressed using jQuery or javascript.

Answer №1

input, ::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
    height: 40px;
        <td>From <input type="date" name="from" value="" autofocus/> </td>
        <td>To  <input type="date" name="to" value="" /> </td>

Are you in need of this solution?

The WebKit browser provides 8 custom pseudo-elements for styling a date input's textbox:

::-webkit-datetime-edit ::-webkit-datetime-edit-fields-wrapper ::-webkit-datetime-edit-text ::-webkit-datetime-edit-month-field ::-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field ::-webkit-datetime-edit-year-field ::-webkit-inner-spin-button ::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator

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