Using CSS to Create a Background with RGBA Color and Image

Having an issue with my CSS. I'm trying to create a scrolling background for the left section of my website.

The RGBA is currently overlapping the entire page, but I only want it to overlap the background image. The same goes for the gridtile (the overlay image).

Is there a way to achieve this?

If not possible with CSS, I'm considering using HTML to create this effect. But I'd like some advice on what's better: CSS or HTML, while ensuring it stays mobile-friendly.

body {
background:linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) ),url("") fixed,url("") fixed repeat-y;

Answer №1

To implement the CSS styling, I have created a new DIV element and applied the same CSS code used in the original snippet to it.

For integrating this solution into a WordPress child theme, follow these steps:

In your functions.php file, add the following code:

function add_custom_div() {
    echo '<div class="sidebg"></div>';
add_action('before_end', 'add_custom_div');

Next, insert this code in the footer.php file of your framework/primary theme before the closing </body> tag:


Remember to reapply this customization each time the developers release updates for the theme or framework.

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