Background images at 100% width are not causing horizontal scrolling issues

I've come across an interesting problem. I created a quick screen recording to illustrate:

Essentially, when you specify a min-width and the viewport width falls below that limit, a horizontal scroll bar appears. This behavior is expected, but when scrolling horizontally, elements that are supposed to span the entire width of the page with background images or colors different from the body do not extend properly. Resizing the viewport seems to fix this issue.

Has anyone else encountered this problem before? You can observe it on various websites, such as .

Any thoughts or solutions?

Answer №1

After experiencing a similar issue on Gowalla and Stack Overflow with the footer, I was able to resolve it by adding a min-width to the body element. However, I would suggest applying this fix to a wrapper div that contains all of the page's content, including the footer, on your own site.

To determine the value for the min-width, consider the minimum fixed width of the content. For example, if your main content div is 960px wide, set the min-width accordingly (adjusting for margins and borders).

For reference, you can check out this example:

Answer №2

One common issue that might be causing confusion is when the width of an element set to 100% is based on the viewport size rather than the content size. To ensure that a background stretches to the width of the content, you can include a min-width property in the CSS for the background div like so:

    width: 100%;
    min-width: 960px; /* Set to the width of the content */

    width: 960px;

This should do the trick!

Answer №3

Unfortunately, without the code to reference, I can only speculate on the necessary steps.

Typically, I specialize in creating scalable designs and here's how I would tackle your issue:

My approach to setting up a page with background colors similar to those showcased in the video involves:


<div id="content-wrapper">
  <div id="content">

<div id="footer-wrapper">
  <div id="footer">



body { width: 100% }
#main-wrapper { width: 100%; background-color: #000 }
#header-wrapper { width: 100%; background-color: #111 }
#header { width: 200px; margin: 0 auto }
#content-wrapper { width: 100%; background-color: #222 }
#content { width: 200px; margin: 0 auto }
#footer-wrapper { width: 100%; background-color: #333 }
#footer { width: 200px; margin: 0 auto }

A similar technique can be applied for background images. However, for images that don't repeat seamlessly, you may require a wide image or one that blends into a background color. Simply set the image as a background image and position it center top for it to expand with the page.

I hope this explanation proves useful.

Answer №4

Try adjusting the width of your content to 2000px and then scroll to see the effect: The background will no longer be visible in the scrolled area

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