Lowest value malfunctioning

I have encountered an issue with setting minimum values for 4 things. All 4 things are supposed to have the same minimum value as the first thing, but when moving the slider, everything goes back to normal and works fine. Where could the problem be originating from?

Link: https://jsfiddle.net/57nv61a1/

        onSlide:function(position, value){
            $('.content #input2').val(value);
        onSlideEnd:function(position, value){
    // Change the value of input field when slider changes
    $('#field2').on('input', function() {
    // Change the value of slider field when input changes
    $('#input2').on('input', function() {
        if (this.value.length == 0) $('#field2').val(0).change();

<label for="medical-expenses">Medical Expenses</label>
<span class="label1">$ <input type="number" id="input1" min="1" max="10000"></input></span>
<input id="field1" name="field1" type="range" min="1" max="10000" value="0" data-rangeslider>

<label for="vehicle-damage">Vehicle Damage</label>
<span class="label2">$ <input type="number" id="input2" min="2" max="10000"></input></span>
<input id="field2" name="field2" type="range" min="2" max="10000" value="0" data-rangeslider>

Answer №1

This particular line :


targets all the input[type="range"], extracts the value from the first one, and then assigns it to $('#input4').

By duplicating this code 4 times, each input ends up being initialized with the same default value, which is 1.


When you adjust the sliders and return them to their original position, the values change accordingly based on the minimum values assigned (1, 2, 3, 4).

To address this issue, although not the most elegant solution, you can manually set the correct initial values :


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