Issue with Firefox not entering FullScreen when using the userChrome.css file

1) Below is a screenshot of my customized Firefox interface. After tweaking my userchrome.css file to remove tabs, I noticed a large empty space at the bottom of the browser window that I cannot seem to get rid of. Despite trying various solutions, I have been unsuccessful in resolving this issue.

2) Additionally, I am seeking guidance on how to shrink the navigation bar to make room for Tree Style Tab extension to occupy the entire left side of the browser window.

Here are the steps I have taken so far:

#main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar {margin-bottom: -34px !important; }

#main-window[sizemode="maximized"] #nav-bar {margin-right: 138px; }

Although using -34px successfully expanded the main window, it removed the outer frame resulting in the lower part of the window being hidden. It seems like there might be another necessary adjustment such as "Frame-window" that needs to be made?

I find it surprising that no one has posed a similar question before. Given the popularity of the Tree Style Tabs add-on with over a million users, I imagine many others may encounter the same challenge.

Answer №1

Big shoutout to Micha for helping me make some progress on the initial issue. I've included a link below with screenshots and an explanation:

If anyone out there knows a better way to solve this problem without relying on my temporary workaround, please share your wisdom as my current solution is beginning to show signs of weakness.

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