Error: Identical div IDs detected

<div id="tagTree1" class="span-6 border"  style='width:280px;height:400px;overflow:auto;float:left;margin:10px; '>
    <a class="tabheader" style="font-size:large">Data Type</a><br />
    <div class="pane">Refine search by Data Type</div>

The above code snippet represents a div element with the ID tagTree1, enclosed in a division ad.

<div id="newtagTree1" class="span-6 border"  style='width:200px;height:400px;overflow:auto;float:left'>
    <a class="tabheader"><strong>Geographic Location</strong></a><br />
    <div class="pane"><strong>Refine search by geographic location</strong></div>

The newTagTree1 section is found within another division related to search. Although they serve the same purpose of generating child divisions dynamically using a JavaScript file, both use a common function for this task. Issues arise when incorporating them on the same page as sometimes one performs correctly while the other malfunctions. I seek guidance to identify and rectify the mistakes made regarding their implementation.

Your assistance in solving this dilemma will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

$.getJSON('/api/TagsApi/Children?id=800002', function (data) {

    $.each(data, function (i, item) {

    $("#tagTree1").tabs("#tagTree1 div.pane", { api: true, tabs: 'a', effect: 'slide', onClick: buildChildren, initialIndex: 0 });

function tagTabBuilder(tagData) {
    var str = "<input type='checkbox' name='tagchkbox[]' value='" + tagData.ID + "' onClick='startQuery()' /><a class='tabheader '>" + tagData.NAME;

    if (tagData.count == 0) {
        str += " (<span class='el_count' id='t" + tagData.ID + "'>" + tagData.count + "</span>)" + "</a><br/>";
    } else {
        str += " (<span class='el_count' id='t" + tagData.ID + "'><strong>" + tagData.count + "</strong></span>)" + "</a><br/>";
    str += "<div id='tid-" + tagData.ID + "' class='pane tag'><!--Loading subtags. . .<img src='/assets/modules/gaiaModule/shared/images/load-small.gif' />--></div>";
    return str;

Answer №1

It seems like the issue may arise from both parent divs generating child divs with identical ID schemes. This causes a collision when all elements are included together. One potential solution is to adjust the child generation code to incorporate the parent div's id as part of the child div's id.

Alternatively, if the IDs are not necessary for other aspects of the script, consider omitting them from the child divs altogether. In general, it's often recommended to refrain from using IDs in generated nodes and instead utilize classes or similar identifiers.

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