Create a responsive DIV element within a website that is not originally designed to be responsive

I am looking to optimize the positioning of an ad div on my non-responsive website. The current setup has the ad displayed at 120x600 pixels, always floating to the right of the screen. While this works well for desktop or large devices, the display becomes problematic on smaller devices due to the lack of responsive design. If my site were responsive, the ad would cover a significant portion of the screen on a device with a width of around 400px, resulting in higher click-through rates. I need to achieve similar results on my non-responsive site to enhance ad performance.

<div id="float_rightad" style="position:fixed; top:15%; right:0;width: 160px; height:600px;  z-index:5000;">
    <div style="position:absolute; left:-5px; margin-top:0px; z-index:15;">
        <a href="Javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById('float_rightad').style.display='none'"><img src="" alt="close" height="20"></img>
        <script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Could anyone advise me on how to implement this on my site?

Answer №1

To achieve this, you may need to add additional CSS3 statements within a style block like the one below. It's also recommended to use relative widths (%) for your ads whenever possible:

<style type="text/css">
    @media screen and (orientation: landscape ) and (max-width:400px ) {#float_rightad { ADD YOUR STYLES FOR SMALL SCREENS HERE}}
    @media screen and (orientation: portrait ) and (max-width:400px )  {#float_rightad { ADD YOUR STYLES FOR SMALL SCREENS HERE}}

If your ad includes an img element, you can set the image width relative to the container div using percentages. Otherwise, consider using the iframe element instead. I hope this information proves helpful. Warm regards,

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